How to Prepare Your Skin for Laser Skin Resurfacing

Dr. Robert Nossa | 12/07/2021

Laser skin resurfacing uses intense pulses of light to gently and effectively remove fine lines, acne scars, and other common skin problems that make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious. This treatment in Southern Massachusetts also reduces the appearance of age spots and improves overall skin texture.

If you're considering laser skin resurfacing, it's important to understand the procedure and what to expect. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa has been performing laser procedures for years and can ensure your results are successful. Read below or call Contemporary Dermatology for a consultation in Marstons Mills, MA. We're proud to help patients in Cape Cod, Falmouth, Provincetown, and everywhere in-between.

How does laser skin resurfacing work?

Laser skin resurfacing involves using cutting-edge laser technology to carefully remove the top layer of skin that contains sun damage, age spots, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and other unwanted skin problems. This promotes new cell growth and collagen production, an element that's important for keeping our skin firm and elastic.

How to prepare for laser skin resurfacing

Laser treatment can be more or less intense according to your needs, but all patients should still prepare for treatment. This is because the laser will leave your complexion feeling sensitive and irritated. It's best to take steps to protect your skin before and after skin resurfacing.

To begin, Dr. Nossa suggests avoiding sun exposure and using a broad-spectrum sunscreen. A sunburn will only aggravate the skin and delay healing. You should avoid harsh exfoliants and waxing the treatment area as well.

Before scheduling your appointment at Contemporary Dermatology, make sure you don't have any social engagements or important events for at least two weeks. This is because most patients experience mild swelling and redness that can last for a short period. We can provide an accurate timeline during your consultation.

What to expect after laser skin resurfacing

Contemporary Dermatology is proud to offer advanced laser technology that minimizes downtime and promotes quick healing. Of course, some side effects of treatment cannot be avoided, which is why we go into detail about what to expect after an appointment.

Patients may experience peeling over 3 – 5 days in addition to irritation and swelling, which is a natural part of your skin's healing processes. Those with more intense laser procedures in Cape Cod, Falmouth, or Provincetown may have a longer recovery. Contemporary Dermatology can provide a set of detailed skin care guidelines like the ones below.

How can I prepare for recovery?

It's important to care for your skin after laser resurfacing. Dr. Nossa recommends using a gentle cleanser and an over-the-counter moisturizer. Here are some tips you can follow during recovery:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds

  • Avoid picking or scratching your skin

  • Avoid products with harsh chemicals

  • Drink water to keep your skin hydrated

  • Apply a cool compress to soothe any swelling or irritation

Don't be intimidated by all these necessary preparations. Most patients are excited to report fewer skin problems after laser skin resurfacing. In fact, many say their skin looks younger, smoother, and more radiant than before. If you're considering treatment but still have questions, our door is always open.

Treat sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and more with skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing can enhance your skin and reduce issues like acne scars, age spots, and hyperpigmentation in Southern Massachusetts. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa has years of experience performing skin resurfacing and can help you achieve the best possible results. Contact Contemporary Dermatology today to schedule a consultation. We serve patients near Cape Cod, Falmouth, Provincetown, and beyond.


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