Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment

Eczema and Psoriasis Treatment

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Eczema and psoriasis are chronic skin problems that can make the skin itchy, inflamed, and uncomfortable. Although they are two separate conditions, eczema and psoriasis have similar symptoms, such as rough, red patches on the skin along with persistent itching. Sometimes called atopic dermatitis, eczema is thought to be the immune system reacting to stress, food, allergens, or other substances and is common in young patients. Psoriasis is an autoimmune problem that causes scaly plaques due to skin cells that multiply and build up. At Contemporary Dermatology in Marstons Mills, MA, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa can provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment options to clear up uncomfortable symptoms. Call us today to set up an appointment.


There is no permanent cure for eczema or psoriasis, but several treatment options can help reduce your symptoms and relieve itching. Once the condition has been diagnosed during a skin evaluation at Contemporary Dermatology, Dr. Nossa will offer personalized treatment choices. He may recommend over-the-counter creams or prescribe corticosteroid ointments or lotions to minimize inflammation. In more severe cases, he might prescribe a topical calcineurin inhibitor to improve the immune system function, which helps some patients manage their symptoms. Other possible treatments include phototherapy (light therapy) and laser treatments. If your scalp is affected, oils, shampoos, and sprays might be recommended.


What happens during a skin assessment?

When you go for a skin assessment at Contemporary Dermatology, we'll take a close look at your skin and ask about your health history to determine if you have issues like eczema or psoriasis. We'll also ask you about your current skin care routine to get a sense of what might be causing your issues. We then recommend a treatment plan that's tailored for your needs.

Can you cure eczema or psoriasis?

There's no cure for eczema or psoriasis. However, we have helped countless people gain a better complexion with our innovative treatments. Depending on the severity of your condition, Dr. Robert Nossa offers a number of options so you can feel more comfortable and show off your skin.

How long does it take to see results?

There's no timeline for seeing results from treatment — it differs based on your condition and lifestyle. For instance, if you have a mild case of eczema or psoriasis that flares up once a month, you can see improvements within a few weeks. However, more severe conditions in Marstons Mills, MA, may take longer to improve.


Whether you've suffered from eczema or psoriasis for a long time or you have just discovered an itchy rash on your skin, there are many treatment alternatives available. Dr. Robert Nossa provides customized treatment plans to handle your condition by minimizing your symptoms and diminishing the chance of future outbreaks. Seek relief by scheduling an appointment at Contemporary Dermatology in Marstons Mills, MA.


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