Can Psoriasis Go Away on its Own?

Dr. Robert Nossa | 02/10/2022

Living with a chronic skin condition, such as psoriasis, can cause constant inflammation and itchiness as well as physical and emotional discomfort. Reappearing symptoms, despite several attempts at regular treatment and lifestyle changes, can only add to the frustration. At Contemporary Dermatology, located in Marstons Mills, MA, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa offers his patients innovative and effective treatments for irritating symptoms of chronic skin conditions. Dr. Nossa works with patients throughout Cape Cod and Southern Massachusetts, as well as those from Falmouth the Provincetown, and everywhere in-between.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks itself and manifests inflammatory patches on the skin. With psoriasis, the body can produce skin cells up to ten times faster than the typical production rate. This results in bumpy skin with white scales. At Contemporary Dermatology, Dr. Nossa can provide a skin assessment to help examine and manage symptoms.

What are the common symptoms of psoriasis?

Psoriasis patches typically form on the elbows, scalp, torso, and knees but can form all over the body. Typical dermatological symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • Red patches of skin covered in white or silver-colored scales

  • Dry, cracked skin with itchiness or bleeding

  • Itching, burning, redness of the skin

Other signs of psoriasis that do not form on the skin include soreness, swollen or stiff joints, and thickened nails. Signs and symptoms of psoriasis vary per individual and depend on the type of psoriasis. Dr. Nossa conducts thorough initial exams and assesses your personal history to help you determine if you have psoriasis, the type with associated symptoms, and the appropriate treatment plan to alleviate symptoms.

How is psoriasis different from eczema?

Although superficial symptoms are quite similar, psoriasis and eczema are separate chronic skin conditions. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, tends to be caused and exacerbated by environmental triggers, such as food, allergens, and other symptoms that younger patients are commonly exposed to. Like psoriasis, eczema can cause itchy, red, inflamed, bumpy, and scaly skin.

Can psoriasis go away on its own?

Psoriasis flare-ups appear in cycles. Individuals with psoriasis may experience irritating symptoms for several weeks or months, but then symptoms will reduce or go into remission for a time. Currently, there is no cure for psoriasis, and without proper treatment options, symptoms usually return.

What treatment options are available for psoriasis?

At Contemporary Dermatology, Dr. Nossa offers a wide variety of treatments for psoriasis, including:

  • Over-the-counter creams to reduce itchiness and irritation

  • Prescribed corticosteroid ointments to decrease inflammation

  • Topical calcineurin inhibitor to improve immune system function

  • Phototherapy (light therapy)

  • Laser skin treatments

  • Oils, shampoos, and sprays for scalp treatment

What happens during a skin assessment?

A skin assessment conducted by a dermatologist helps reveal current skin issues and methods for treating unwanted symptoms. Dr. Nossa asks patients about their medical history, assesses their skin for potential signs of eczema or psoriasis, inquires about current lifestyle routines and skin care regimens, and then helps patients determine personalized treatment plans.

How long does it take to see results after treatment?

This depends on the skin condition being treated, the severity of the skin condition, the treatments selected, and the patient’s adherence to the treatment plan. For milder cases where flare-ups occur once per month, patients may see results within a few weeks. For more severe cases, results may take longer to notice.

Learn more about treatment options for psoriasis

If you are living with signs and symptoms of a chronic skin condition, such as psoriasis, and would like to take control of your skin, contact our team at Contemporary Dermatology located in Marstons Mills, MA, and schedule an appointment today. Dr. Robert Nossa will provide an initial exam to assess your current symptoms, make a proper dermatological diagnosis, and help you create a personalized treatment plan that meets your skincare goals.


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