The Benefits of PRP Therapy for Hair Loss in Adults

Dr. Robert Nossa | 03/12/2022

Hair loss can occur for both men and women, resulting from age, hormonal changes, genetics, or specific medical conditions. It’s a physical and emotional process that can devastate someone’s self-confidence and wreak havoc on their social participation. Dr. Robert Nossa is a board-certified dermatologist with Contemporary Dermatology in Marston Mills, MA who’s been serving patients near Cape Cod, Falmouth, Provincetown, and throughout Southern Massachusetts. Dr. Nossa and his team are pleased to offer PRP therapy for hair loss.

What is PRP therapy for hair loss?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy for hair loss is a nonsurgical treatment used to slow, halt, or reverse hair loss. A solution of hair growth factors, bioactive proteins, and the client's own blood platelets is used to stimulate hair growth while thickening and strengthening existing hair. PRP microinjections are made in the scalp in balding and thinning areas to stimulate dormant hair follicles for natural hair growth.

Is PRP therapy for hair loss effective?

PRP therapy has shown to be effective for patients who are experiencing baldness and thinning hair, or androgenic alopecia. Excess levels of testosterone can attack hair follicles and slow down or stop hair production. This may be why baldness is more frequent in men than women. PRP therapy results appear to be more prominent in patients with early signs of balding or hair loss. Outcomes will highly depend on the patient’s personal history and unique reasons for hair thinning or loss. Dr. Nossa works with each person to determine the root cause for hair loss to see if PRP therapy is right for them and their personal goals.

What are the benefits of using PRP therapy for hair loss in adults?

PRP therapy for hair loss is helpful for individuals who may be experiencing the following:

  • Balding

  • Hair thinning along the scalp

  • Thinning eyebrows

  • Patchiness in the beard

Patients with alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes patchiness and hair thinning or loss, have benefited dramatically from PRP therapy.

What do treatments look like?

PRP therapy is a same-day outpatient procedure completed in one of our private treatment rooms at Contemporary Dermatology. A small sample of the patient’s blood is taken and put in a centrifuge to create the PRP serum. A local anesthetic is applied to the scalp, and the serum is injected using intradermal needles that create micro-channels in the epidermis. These channels allow for increased PRP flow into the scalp to stimulate hair production.

Does PRP therapy hurt?

Since a local anesthetic is used for treatment areas, patients generally report little to no discomfort during the procedure. Patients may feel a slight pinch or sting while blood is being extracted for the PRP serum.

How long do results last?

PRP therapy for hair loss is not designed to be a permanent solution for balding or thinning hair. Eventually, patients will need a maintenance or follow-up appointment to revitalize results, which we recommend at least once per year.

How to learn more about PRP therapy for hair loss

If you are an adult residing near Marston Mills, Cape Cod, Falmouth, or Provincetown and would like a solution for unwanted hair loss, contact our team at Contemporary Dermatology and schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Nossa today. We’ll introduce you to the benefits of PRP therapy and help you learn if this treatment path is right for you.


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