Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Hyperhidrosis Treatment

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Underarm sweating when you are nervous or exercising is normal, but excessive perspiration that stains your clothes and causes an embarrassing odor is actually a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. Contemporary Dermatology provides treatment for excessive underarm sweating using BOTOX® injectable treatments. BOTOX is a form of the botulinum toxin type A, which works to temporarily block the nerve signals that activate the sweat glands so that you can enjoy your active lifestyle without being concerned about sweat marks, stickiness, deodorant streaks, and powerful odors. BOTOX is a quick, noninvasive procedure performed by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa to help Marstons Mills, MA patients rid their lives of excessive underarm sweat.


If you deal with persistent, excessive underarm sweat, you might be a great candidate for BOTOX injections. You will have a consultation with Dr. Nossa to discuss your concerns and determine the best treatment option for excessive sweating. To perform BOTOX injections, Dr. Nossa will clean and mark the treatment areas and possibly apply a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable. A personalized dose of the product will be injected into the selected areas of the skin, which generally takes around ten minutes. You may resume your daily activities right after your treatment, but it's ideal to avoid heavy activity for a few days. Most patients need repeat treatments about every 3 – 4 months to maintain their outcomes.


Are hyperhidrosis treatments safe?

Yes! Dr. Nossa is experienced in administering BOTOX injections and knows how to produce safe and effective results. Some patients are not qualified for BOTOX, so it's important to let us know about any pre-existing conditions or allergies before the procedure. We'll perform an exam and consultation before treatment.

Does BOTOX hurt?

BOTOX injections vary in discomfort level. Some patients report a mild amount of discomfort due to the needle, but nothing that's not too intolerable. Contemporary Dermatology will apply a local anesthetic before the procedure to help prepare your skin.

How much do hyperhidrosis treatments cost?

There are many factors that can influence the price of hyperhidrosis treatment in Marstons Mills, MA. This includes the number of injections and treatment areas involved. Our team can give you an accurate price quote and review any questions or concerns you have about the procedure. Our easy payment plans also make BOTOX more affordable.


Contemporary Dermatology is proud to offer innovative solutions to improve the lives of patients who deal with hyperhidrosis. BOTOX injections work to block the activity of the sweat glands so you can look calm, clean, and put together. Contact our Marstons Mills, MA practice today to find out more or set up an appointment with Dr. Robert Nossa.


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