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Phototherapy (or light therapy) is a narrow-band UVB noninvasive treatment that utilizes energy-releasing technology to improve the health and appearance of the skin. It is often used to treat common skin conditions, like vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, and dermatitis. Appropriate for patients of all ages, phototherapy works by applying ultraviolet (UV) light energy to the top layer of skin to suppress the immune system and reduce inflammation. Contemporary Dermatology offers phototherapy as a convenient treatment alternative at our Marstons Mills, MA office. To learn more about the benefits of phototherapy, reach out to our team to schedule an appointment with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa.


After performing a skin exam, a customized treatment plan will be provided to address your specific condition. Phototherapy can typically be completed in an hour or less at Contemporary Dermatology. The settings of the phototherapy device will be adjusted to fit the needs of vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, or any other condition you may be experiencing. Before beginning the procedure, your eyes will be covered with goggles to protect them from the laser light. If you're having a large area treated, we may have you stand inside of a treatment unit. For smaller areas, Dr. Nossa will position the device over the appropriate areas of skin to emit targeted UV light. Our team will provide instructions on how to take care of your skin after your narrow-band UVB therapy and also let you know how often you might need repeat sessions based on your needs.


Is phototherapy safe for all skin tones?

Issues like eczema and dermatitis can leave your skin feeling sensitive. The good news is phototherapy is safe for most skin types and tones. However, we still recommend attending a consultation at Contemporary Dermatology to meet with a specialist. We can determine what the best options are for your skin and treatment goals.

How many treatments do I need?

Most people will need a short series of treatments to achieve optimal results from phototherapy. This number may vary based on the severity of your symptoms and skin condition. Dr. Nossa can help you create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

How is this different than other treatments?

Phototherapy is unique because it uses light therapy to target and treat skin conditions in Marstons Mills, MA. This means that our clinic doesn't rely on harsh chemicals or prescription drugs to provide results. Additionally, phototherapy is a noninvasive treatment — so there is little risk of adverse side effects.


For patients suffering from complex skin conditions, such as vitiligo, psoriasis, or eczema, Contemporary Dermatology often recommends phototherapy as part of a personalized treatment plan. By using targeted UV energy, noninvasive phototherapy sessions can help keep uncomfortable symptoms under control. Contact our team to set up a visit with Dr. Nossa at our Marstons Mills, MA location.


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