Laser Vessel Removal

Laser Vessel Removal

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Typically located on the face and legs, spider veins are little blood vessels that branch and become visible underneath the skin. Caused by many factors, like genetics and age, spider veins may be red, blue, and purple, which make them difficult to mask. Since these broken capillaries typically get worse over the years and lead to stronger visibility, it's a good idea to treat them at the first signs. Contemporary Dermatology performs nonsurgical laser vessel removal with the pulsed dye laser technology of Vbeam Perfecta® by Candela® in Marstons Mills, MA, to help decrease the visibility of blood vessels on the face and body. At your private consultation, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Nossa will suggest a customized plan based on your unique needs and goals for your laser vein removal treatment.


Nonsurgical laser vein reduction treatments with Vbeam Perfecta are performed in our Marstons Mills, MA office in about 20 – 40 minutes, based on the number of areas being addressed. During your procedure, you will relax as the skin is cleaned and prepared. The Vbeam Pefecta handheld laser device is passed across the skin to target the spider veins through a series of gentle light pulses to collapse the wall of the vessel, and it can treat a wide number of treatment sizes. After your laser vein reduction treatment, you will be free to leave our office and get right back to your regular activities. You may experience bruising, swelling, and redness; however, these side effects should disappear in about 7 – 10 days. Some patients notice improvements right away, but the timing of results will vary for each person.


Are broken capillaries and blood vessels a sign of aging?

Yes, spider veins and other broken blood vessels are often associated with aging. The skin becomes thinner and more fragile as we age, making broken capillaries more noticeable and visible. If you are concerned about your appearance, Dr. Nossa can assess your skin and make a treatment recommendation based on your needs. We can make your complexion look and feel youthful again!

What about over-the-counter treatments?

Some drugstore products claim to treat spider veins, but they don’t always work. They may even cause unwanted side effects like skin irritation. The only way to truly address issues like broken blood vessels is through professional treatment. Contemporary Dermatology is proud to offer cutting-edge laser treatment that is much more effective than any over-the-counter remedy.

Is laser vessel removal painful?

No! Thanks to our state-of-the-art laser technology, treatment is virtually painless. You may experience a slight warming sensation during your session, but most patients report little to no discomfort. Our team in Marstons Mills, MA, can also provide ways to make side effects like bruising and swelling as minimal as possible. Our goal is to help you achieve beautiful and healthy skin with little disruption.


Instead of concealing or covering unattractive blood vessels on your face and body, learn about nonsurgical laser vein removal treatments with Vbeam Perfecta technology at Contemporary Dermatology in Marstons Mills, MA. During your private consultation, Dr. Nossa will examine your skin and develop a custom treatment plan to best fit your concerns and improve the look of your complexion.


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Spider Vein Treatment